Pest Control In Anna, TX

Quality Pest Control In Anna, TX

If you live or work in Anna, you know how fast it is growing. Suburban areas are starting to mix with family farms as the population expands. While this is great for local businesses and the area, it can also lead to significant issues with pests. 

At Green Pest Guys, we have over ten years of experience in pest control in Anna and the surrounding areas. We know the issues pests can cause for Texas homes and businesses, and we are here to provide the solutions. Call us today to learn more about how we can put our local knowledge and pest control plans to work for you.

Residential Pest Control In Anna

single family home in tx

Nothing is worse than coming home after a long day at work and finding pests have invaded your home. When all you want to do is relax, pests make that impossible while also damaging your home, lawn, and personal items.  

At Green Pest Guys, we are here to keep your home pest-free with residential pest control you can count on. We use safe, eco-friendly materials to treat the interior and exterior of your home. On the inside, we’ll treat around doorways, windows, and baseboards and treat problem areas like kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and other areas. Outside, we use a complete perimeter treatment to build a barrier of protection three feet up and five feet out from your home. We’ll focus on hot spots around your yard, and courtesy treat fire ant mounds. We will also de-web your home and remove any wasp nests. 

You can also rest assured knowing all our services are guaranteed to keep your home pest-free. If not, we'll return for re-treatment at no additional cost to you. Call us today, and let us get to work keeping your home pest-free.

Commercial Pest Control In Anna

Running a business can be challenging without additional, preventable issues like a pest infestation. Unfortunately, pests are a common threat to our local businesses.

At Green Pest Guys, our experienced technicians use a comprehensive approach to commercial pest control in Anna. We inspect your property to identify areas of concern, active infestations, and conditions that could lead to future pest pressures. Equipped with this knowledge, we develop a customized commercial pest control strategy. We aim to target pests while minimizing disruptions to your daily operations effectively. We also understand that each business has unique requirements and industry standards, and our team meticulously designs our commercial pest control plans to meet these distinct needs, offering tailored solutions to take care of your specific requirements.

By partnering with Green Pest Guys in Anna, you can be confident that your business remains protected against pest infestations and the issues they can cause. Focus on serving your customers and growing your business while we take care of the pests.

Seeing Fire Ant Hills All Over Your Anna Lawn? Call Green Pest Guys

Fire ant hills dotting your Anna lawn can quickly turn your outdoor haven into a minefield. These aggressive ants inflict painful stings, causing your family and pets discomfort. 

Unlike some ant species, fire ants can be difficult to eliminate alone. They are resilient and often challenging to eliminate. DIY attempts may only scatter fire ant colonies. Our professionals are well-versed in dealing with these pests effectively. Our treatments target the root of the problem, ensuring complete elimination. Worse, the harsh treatments you may use can pose risks to family and pets. We use safe, eco-friendly methods that prioritize your well-being.

Don’t waste your time, money, and energy on DIY solutions for fire ants, and don't let fire ant hills ruin the beauty of your Anna lawn or endanger your loved ones. Contact us today for efficient and safe fire ant control. We’ll keep your lawn fire ant-free so you can enjoy time outside without worrying about these painful and potentially dangerous pests.

Five Tips To Reduce Your Risk For Scorpions In Anna

With their starring role in horror movies and Halloween decor, scorpions seem like a scary pest. While scorpions aren’t the supernatural threat that Hollywood leads you to believe, they can still be dangerous around your home. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep your home scorpion-free. 

Here are five tips to minimize your risk for scorpions around your Anna home:

  1. Seal cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and foundations, and ensure your garage door is shutting flush against the floor. 

  2. Reduce hiding spots by decluttering your home and yard. 

  3. Trim bushes and shrubs near your home.

  4. Fix any plumbing leaks and ensure your home stays dry.

  5. Limit the presence of other small pests around your home that could be prey for scorpions.

If you are dealing with an active infestation or want to ensure your home remains scorpion-free, call us today for professional scorpion control. We’ll keep these scary and dangerous pests away from your home and family so you can live in Anna without fear of scorpions.

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